Book any hostel on our platform at the comfort of your house.You can also Request for a property then we work it out for you.
By Renting an apartment through Rentmann,we ensure that you get the best property . We look through apartments to ensure they are up to standard before recommending to our clients.
We help sellers advertise their facilities in collaboration with our business. Every property sold on our platform has a Lands Commission license. Our legal staff is available around-the-clock to help you sell your facility.
My name is Victoria . A student at Regent university. Rentmann has been very helpful in terms of getting me accommodation when I was coming to Ghana to study .. They are more than just a company but a family . I recommend Rentmann to all my fellow Nigerian students seeking hostel accommodation in Ghana . Rentmann, Affordable housing for everyone !!
Hi My name is Joseph A final year students from Regent University College of Science and Technology A friend Recommended RentMann to me and I’m so glad to talk about it I visited their website that is I checked out their hostels and it looks convenient for studying, a good place to reside and have your peace of mind I highly recommend Rentmann for you around campus or outside campus Every student should go and check out RentMann Website and get their hostel of convenience Thank you